Welcome to Nosco Learning!

Choose "free plan", to create an account. Then, select the course you wish to participate in.

To Access online courses, please choose "free plan", join the community, then select the course you wish to participate in! We look forward to learning with you!

What is the Nosco Yoga Learning Portal?

The Learning Portal is our private Mighty Network exclusively for members. This is a place you can register for live classes, pre-recorded classes, and evergreen courses. The learning portal is place you can connect directly with Stephanie and other like-minded community members, who are interested in Yoga, Qigong and Alternative forms of healing. 

Within the Learning Portal, you gain access to short classes Stephanie will post from time-to time at no cost, and a menu of evergreen courses (pre-recorded content) that you can work through at your own pace at a variety of different price points. If you are signing up for a live course, this is also where you find the links to attend the sessions.

We look forward to learning with you.

Courses that can be purchased within the portal include:

  • Journey Through the Elements
  • Qi medicine 
  • Yin Therapy
  • Yin Yoga & the Five Spirits 
  • Qigong & the Five Spirits 
  • Transforming the 5 negative Emotions
  • Mindfulness & Meridians 
  • Enliven Your Energy Body 

Join now, its free! (select community plan below)